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Article: The Top 5 Most Googled Questions on Pregnancy, Babies & Parenthood

The Top 5 Most Googled Questions on Pregnancy, Babies & Parenthood

The Top 5 Most Googled Questions on Pregnancy, Babies & Parenthood

Writer Kat Romero explores what these questions tell us about modern motherhood

It starts before you even see the blue line… so many questions, but no manual to assist. When it comes to finding information and advice for this new chapter in life, Google has become a powerful tool – we already rely so much on the search engine for our everyday issues, from where we’re going to what we’re eating, so no wonder it’s where we first turn for information and reassurance.

A recent UK survey found that two-thirds of women felt the internet was their lifeline during pregnancy, allowing them to ask the questions they were too embarrassed, or didn’t know who, to ask in real life. On average, the surveyed mothers asked more than 1,000 questions over the nine months, with the internet being the most common way to ask (67%), followed by asking a midwife, speaking to their own mum or friends.

And it’s not just a pregnancy support, data analysis shows that in 2023 parents used Google over 10,000 times per day on average to answer their pressing questions and dilemmas. This is an increase of almost a third within the last five years, illustrating our growing reliance on the serach tool. While the internet may be a source of help and support 'without judgement' for millions, it can also be a hotbed for misinformation at a time when we are already prone to anxiety; additionally, people often seek out or share information on the internet that confirms their previously held beliefs. 

So what are we searching for? We did a deep dive into the most commonly asked questions on Google for each stage of the motherhood journey to discover what are the big issues on your minds – and whether the internet is the best place to find the answers and right help.

The Top Five Questions on The Pregnancy Stage:

Am I pregnant?

(And the many variations of the question: What are the early first signs of pregnancy? Am I pregnant if… How soon will I know if I’m pregnant? Symptoms of pregnancy in Week 1. Early pregnancy scan near me.)

It’s hard to appreciate the anxiety-inducing wait until you are in it. Navigating the physical pings – sickness, sore boobs, feeling emotional, headache - each one sending you back online, adding each new symptom to the list to check. With each passing day, the obsession grows, taking you on a journey into the world of online mother forums & platforms. It’s no surprise this is the most frequently asked question, but you won’t find your answer online. You may have all the symptoms, but the symptoms can annoyingly mirror the signs of a due period. You have to wait until you get a positive test, and then wait again until you reach the safety of the 12-week mark. The best thing you can do is stay offline, resist the temptation to Google and try to not to exacerbate what can often be an intensely emotional situation. 

What are natural morning sickness remedies?

Ahh, morning sickness. Before you experience it, you assume it’s probably ranked somewhere close to a hangover. But for anyone experiencing this all-consuming nausea, the impact is horrid and it’s impossible to imagine a hangover that goes on for weeks and months. The search for a cure often takes precedence over everything else. Especially when you realise there is no medical or pharma option to hand, so it’s a mission to research all possible natural remedies that may offer relief. Hours of research online seems to conclude that no one has a solid answer on how to treat it, but there are millions of products from supplements to teas to essential oils claiming to help – all with very mixed reviews on success. The best advice is to arm yourself with the list for nutritional support and find what works best to ease your symptoms naturally, from dedicated pre-natal vitamins to ginger gummies etc.

What can’t I eat or drink during pregnancy?

The first pregnancy is an assimilation into a new world where you are bombarded with information that is often confusing and contradictory, from multiple sources, some more scientifically reliable and up to date than others. Everyone shares their ‘wisdom’ with you, from the random stranger warning against drinking coffee to well-meaning work colleagues recoiling in horror at sushi. Can I drink a cup of coffee? Will one glass of prosecco harm my baby? This food-anxiety is often compounded by the fact the information can change or be different from one country to the next. Again, there is so much trustworthy information online from reliable medical sources, so if you are the type who likes to read up and understand on the research and advice, then it’s easy to arm yourself with the confidence to make your own decisions and focus on the best foods to promote a healthy body, baby growth and eating for energy at this time.

Can I get another midwife?

The fact this ranks so high in UK searches is a cause for concern. Pregnancy is one of the exciting yet terrifying times, and many of us are understandably nervous about the risks. When you don’t feel confident in the medical person appointed to you, or that you are being listened to, then this can be anxiety inducing, even more so in what is a broken and underfunded health system. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself if something is worrying you: A first step into taking control is to get familiar with the issue, and the internet is an amazing resource for arming yourself with trustworthy research from the most authoritative institutions and sources. Differentiate between bedside manner and knowledge, but if something is impacting your emotional wellbeing and confidence then don’t wait it out or hope things will improve, speak up.

Is 41 too old to get pregnant?

Having a baby in your 40s is now much more common, and rates of people getting pregnant in their 40s are at a record high. However, declining fertility may mean your journey to pregnancy is more challenging. While the internet has millions of examples of success, and millions of examples of heartbreak, as well as the sobering research data, you will not find your future here. Stop Googling the outcome, and focus on making appointments with the best people to advise you.

Baby name ideas?

Who knew naming a baby could be so tricky?! You either have a list of names in your back pocket from when you were 9 or else you are spending hours daily Googling different combinations, waiting for inspiration to strike. A pro-tip, instead of searching the lists of names, which don’t change much year after year, spend time thinking of books, stories and characters you feel drawn to – find your ‘why’, the personal connection to what the name means to you.

The Top Five Questions on The Newborn Stage:

Why is my newborn making grunting noises?

We knew babies would cry but the weird grunting noise they make in their sleep is a certified jumpscare for most new parents, right? Well the fact so many mothers Google this question proves you’re not alone – and wouldn’t it be helpful if this was mentioned at the hospital before you go home? Grunting can be completely normal but the official line is to seek advice if it’s every single breath. Hence begins the anxious journey into a world where you have a tiny little being who is unable to communicate, and medical advice and guidance that often feels unclear: while you may not be able to resist Googling in a quest for certainty, it would be way better to seek that reassurance and care in-person from a mother, sister or doula in these first few weeks.

How do I burp my baby?

Babies don’t come with an instruction manual; some babies simply need a gentle tap on the back to let out a huge belch, others make you work a little harder for it. Trapped wind is obviously painful and can result in a lot of vomiting as well impacting your baby’s sleep, something no exhausted new parent wants to risk – hence the obsessive internet search for the magic solution. Thankfully, in the age of social media there are plenty of helpful winding hacks available from wonderful baby experts and midwives on Instagram and TikTok, so don’t be afraid to give them a whirl. We know how frustrating it can feel trying to get a burp out of a baby in the early hours of the morning, one day your little one will learn how to burp for themselves and you will no longer have to think about it. But this is just one of the questions that proves just how clueless we can feel about it all!

How do I breastfeed?

(And the many variations on: What are the best breastfeeding positions? How do I know when my baby is full?)

Searches for breastfeeding related topics soar throughout the night hours – and according to Google Trends data, it tops the charts most nights. Breastfeeding may be one of the most natural things but it’s not easy and no one can really help you figure it out: whether it’s lack of supply, a trapped duct, or your baby’s struggle to latch, there can be a lot of challenges. It might be reassuring to know that this Google question proves you’re not alone if your breastfeeding journey has been a little up and down. It can be helpful to hear other’s experiences, and it’s a great source for finding experts, advice and local services, but if you feel there’s a problem them make an appointment with an expert midwife or lactation consultant sooner rather than later.

Why is my newborn baby crying all the time?

Studies have shown mothers are wired to have a physiological response to their baby crying that can feel like stress or anxiety. It may even feel like anger or frustration. So it’s no surprise we find our baby’s tears so distressing and want to fix the problem for them. Hence the constant googling. Maybe they need winding? Maybe they’re trying to do a giant poo? Maybe they’re simply hungry? Maybe you’ve tried everything and are now tearing your hair out? The world is new to your tiny little newborn, and maybe they just want to be held. Again, having in-person reassurance from a mother, doula or friend with experience will be more useful and comforting than online searches – so take it offline and call in the Village.

How do I lose the baby bump/weight?

As you expand in pregnancy, you are likely thinking ahead to when you will contract back into your former shape, and former familiar life, right? The physical process of what happens in our bodies when we grow a little human being, and the big life changes it brings, can be emotionally confusing to navigate. Often, the postpartum focus on returning to pre-pregnancy shape / weight is rooted in a sense of wanting to feel like you have control over your body and life again amid such upheaval. Whatever your focus is, you will find so many dedicated postpartum options for fitness, workout and nutritional support online – from workouts you can fit around naps to listings for local new mother fitness activities – and it’s amazing to have so many resources and guidance available.

The Top Five Questions on The Motherhood Stage:

When will my child sleep through the night?

We bet this question is asked multiple times by most parents. It’s one of the most challenging issues we deal with - when we are deprived of sleep, we don’t function and exhaustion sucks the joy from us. With babies and children, there are so many sleepless nights – for all sorts of reasons. A recent survey by the Lullaby Trust reveals that 59% of parents with babies under 1 year old say their baby sleeps for less than 4 hours at a stretch. Some babies and children just don’t sleep well. Like with other challenging issues, there is so much advice, resources and first-hand experiences to be found online that can be really helpful; the problem is knowing what is going to work for you. Start with understanding what outcome you want, and what outcome is realistic: from our own experience, you can’t sleep train a child to not wake up in the middle of the night, or not want the comfort of their parents when they do, but you can figure out how to achieve a better sleep schedule, improve the quality of sleep, or how to co-sleep effectively.

What is the best parenting method?

New analysis of Google search data shows parents in the UK are turning to the search engine to help raise their children more than ever before, with about 10,000 questions per day on average. This has increased by almost a third in the last five years - with research amongst British parents revealing a quarter of modern mothers and fathers are feeling increasing pressure to keep up with society’s expectations of good parenting. What’s gentle parenting? Or authoritarian? Try to be as involved as possible or push for independence? How do you even be a good parent, or what is a bad one? It’s no wonder so many parents feel confused or fear judgement so opt to seek help online rather than speaking to friends, family or healthy professionals. There isn’t a best parenting method, but if you feel like you want to learn, understand and read-up on how to become a good parent then the internet is a great place to start.

When is the best time to stop breastfeeding?

Knowing when to stop breastfeeding can be like ending a race with no finish line. You’ll probably get a ton of opinions on the matter but like so many things with parenting, do what’s right for your family. There is no standard official answer – it’s your decision and choice, as there are so many factors involved.  

Does motherhood change your brain?

We know motherhood changes you but we thought that meant by making us more maternal, loving and stronger. Not causing us to forget basic words or how to string a sentence together. We’ve all heard of ‘baby brain’ but there’s a very real reason why you may feel like your brain functions at a slower pace post-baby.  Firstly, you’re probably sleep-deprived and on some days, surviving on scraps of food or quick bites. This can impact your brain function dramatically. But did you know that a mum's brain can change more during postpartum than at any point in their life? This can be due to a process called synaptic pruning, which is when the brain cuts off function to certain areas it no longer needs to focus on areas that are crucial. It’s not all bad news though. Some experts believe motherhood can make you smarter in the long run, as it encourages focus and reactive behaviour. So hopefully that calms your fears over whether you’re losing your mind!

When do babies need pillows?

Chances are if you were born in the 90s or earlier, you probably have a ton of photos of you sleeping in a cot with a giant duvet, numerous pillows and an army of stuffed toys. But times have certainly changed and we understand safe sleep far better. It can seem scary but by following the rules, you’ll significantly reduce the risk of something happening to your little one. When they get beyond 12 months, you can start to introduce more bedding or plush toys for them.

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